Looking for a Firefighter Aptitude Test PDF?
Look no further.
This free Firefighter Aptitude Test PDF is suitable for firefighter candidates who are preparing for these firefighter aptitude tests:
- Comprehensive Examination Battery (CEB)
- Cooperative Personnel Services Test (CPS test/ FSO test)
- Firefighter Aptitude and Character Test (FACT test/ OFAI stage 1 test)
- National Fire Select Test (NFST test)
- National Testing Network (NTN) FireTeam Video Test
- Occupational Specific Firefighter Test (OS test/ Gledhill Shaw test)
- Other general entry-level firefighter written tests and exams.
Use this 60-question Firefighter Aptitude Test PDF to assess your skills in the following:
- Oral Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension
- Writing Ability
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Aptitude, Map Reading, and Spatial Reasoning
- Human Relations
This Firefighter Aptitude Test PDF includes
- A digital recording of the Firefighter Oral Comprehension passage
- 10 multiple-choice questions in each section of the test to assess your skills
- Questions similar to what you will see on real firefighter aptitude tests
- Answers to firefighter test questions are provided at the back of the test
Established in 2012, S.M.A.R.T. Tutoring is a proven leader in providing Firefighter Aptitude Test Preparation Services to Pre-Service Firefighter Program graduates and adult learners who are preparing for their Firefighter Written Exams.
Study SMARTER, Not Harder.
Our online Firefighter Aptitude Test Preparation Courses and Firefighter Tutoring Services teach aspiring American and Canadian firefighters how to answer firefighter aptitude test questions quickly and correctly.
S.M.A.R.T. Tutoring Students have not only passed their firefighter written aptitude tests, but have been successful in receiving Conditional Job Offers from cities across North America.
S.M.A.R.T. Tutoring Content is Created for Aspiring Firefighters.
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