Firefighter Oral Comprehension Test Passage & Practice Questions

Firefighter Oral Comprehension test

Listen to this Firefighter Oral Comprehension Test!

Firefighter Oral Comprehension

This firefighter oral comprehension passage and the following firefighter oral comprehension practice test questions are designed for firefighter recruits to practice their oral comprehension skills.

These skills are called upon to answer oral comprehension questions on the Firefighter Cooperative Personnel Services Test (CPS test).

As in a CPS test, you will be listening to a brief and fictional passage. Listen to the firefighter oral comprehension passage only once, and listen carefully.

You are not permitted to record information given in the oral comprehension passage.

Firefighter Oral Comprehension Test Directions

  1. Press PLAY.
  2. Scroll down when you hear “This concludes the oral passage” to answer the firefighter practice test questions.
  3. Answers to the firefighter practice test questions are below.


1. How many companies were dispatched to the fire?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

2. What colour is your helmet?

a. Red

b. White

c. Black

d. Black and yellow

3. How many minutes does it take for your engine to arrive on scene?

a. 12 minutes

b. 14 minutes

c. 16 minutes

d. 18 minutes

4. Who updates your status to Dispatch?

a. Brian Waters

b. Justine Douglas

c. Rick McPherson

d. Pat Richardson

5. On which sides of the residence were working fires reported?

a. Side C and Side D

b. Side C and Side B

c. Side C and Side A

d. None of the above

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1. d, 2. d, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a

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