What to Expect on a Firefighter Aptitude Test

What to expect on a firefighter aptitude test

Firefighter candidates should expect to write a specific Firefighter Aptitude Test based on the hiring city’s requirements.

It is the firefighter candidate’s responsibility to know the name of the test and what it entails. Most of this information is provided by the city and/or firefighter candidate testing service.

Expected Firefighter Aptitude Tests in Canada

Expected Firefighter Aptitude Test Questions

Although Canadian Firefighter Aptitude Tests are different, they have similar types of test questions:

  • Firefighter Reading Comprehension
  • Firefighter Mathematical Ability
  • Firefighter Map Reading
  • Firefighter Spatial Reasoning
  • Firefighter Human Relations

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Firefighter Reading Comprehension Practice Test & Passage PDF

Firefighter Aptitude Test Preparation


Print this Free Firefighter Aptitude Test!

Firefighter Reading Comprehension

Firefighter reading comprehension test questions are designed to measure a firefighter recruit’s ability to read and understand written communication. This includes information in text, tables, diagrams, charts, and captions.

Firefighter Reading Comprehension Test PDF Directions

In this firefighter reading comprehension practice test, you will read short passages containing fire-related material just as you would in an actual firefighter reading comprehension test.

You will then answer five reading comprehension questions related to the firefighter reading passages.

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